Monday 26 April 2010

Film Poster (Revamped and added detail)

For our film poster, I had the idea of using an image from our actual footage which will signify that the poster relates to this film. The idea I had was to use the same clip of our main protagonist, but have one of these clips in the light and one of these clips in the dark, then drop each one in half and put them together. This will relate to our film and the idea that everybody has a dark side.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


We are currently putting together the final touches for our second rough cut screen, which this time will include our soundtrack.

We are making the soundtrack in GarageBand, which will include varied instruments to fit with different parts of the film opening. For example before any action takes place, we will have a slow paced instrument to build up momentum for when the main protagonist screams. After that, we will switch to a fast pace when the boy is running to find her, which can build desperation to get there in time. It will slow down once he finds the girl with the body lying next to her, then suddenly stops and that is when she turns around.

This idea follows a lot of other horror film soundtracks, as it builds up momentum and the shock of whatever happens when there is no music is greater than if there was music.

Audience Feedback

From screening our first rough cut to our peers, we have general feedback that the shot variation is good, although the narrative needs altering as it very confusing, in-particular the coffin scene at the end, which anchors down the genre, yet the audience didn't understand why it was there.

From this feedback, we know that we need to re-shoot the coffin seen, but also add a narrative voiceover in places, ready for the second rough cut screen. This time we will also add our soundtrack into it, so the audience feel it is more like a film than before. So after all this feedback, we are thinking of how best to incorporate all of the points into our film.