Tuesday 26 January 2010

Avatar Swede Description and evaluation & The Coursework Task (reworked)

 What is a swede film?

A swede is a film which has been made on a low budget on purpose, and is usually based on a medium to high budget film. These can either be made for comedy, or to see how well the film could be made on a low budget.

Shortlist of possible films to swede

  • Avatar
  • I am legend
  • The shining
  • Fight Club
  • Harry Potter

The swede we chose!

Our idea was to try and remake the film 'Avatar', using low budget special effects. In our swede we used a range of different camera shots, editing and special effects to try and make it look as realistic as possible, but with a comical aspect to it.

The reason we chose to do Avatar was that it is a very recent film, so there is more chance for people to have seen it previously and also to help this it got the top spot on the box office rankings.

If this was my main production what would I do differently?

I would use a larger variety of shot types, as well as focusing on one aspect of the film, for example the opening, instead of trying to cover as many aspects of the film in less detail. We would also use a more precise location and costumes.

The Coursework Task

Our coursework task is to produce a 2 minute opening to a film of our chosen genre which must include a variety of shots, sound and suitable cast. Along with that, we have to make a blog for research + planning and our evaluation.

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